Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Get a life

Summer is over and school for teachers is under way. Life is returning to a somewhat normal state. I am desperately trying to finish my planning so I am ready for the return of our students next week.

Here's a thought to ponder over the next couple of days.

Everyone dies - you don't have a choice about that. However, not everyone truly lives. Is what you are doing really living or is it just existing until you die. Are you really making a life for yourself and enjoying the ride? There are no "do overs". You only get one chance at this. If you have priorities in order, you will experience the joy that Jesus promised. Priority #1 - Jesus first. Spend time with the Savior every day. Priority #2 - Other people - Look for what you can do for someone else. Priority #3 - yourself. Joy doesn't come by seeking to obtain it for yourself. Joy comes from what you do for others and what you give away.

"We make a living by what we get, but we make a life by what we give." -- Winston Churchill

My goal - to "get a life."

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