Monday, October 21, 2013

Catching My Breath

To those of you who read my blog fairly consistently, I apologize for the unscheduled sabbatical.  I intended to write many times in the last three months.  Every time I sat down to write something interrupted me or I just didn’t feel led by God to post my thoughts.

It has been an amazing past three months. 

I’ve been extremely busy with the start of a new school year.  The completion of some big projects at work.  (We installed a brand new campus-wide wireless system including a fiber line for internet.) 

I’ve been teaching an adult Sunday School class and that has been amazing.  God teaches me so much as I prepare those lessons each week.  It has truly been a blessing.

My husband and I had an amazing harvest from our garden.  God supplied way beyond what we dreamed and we were able to give away boxes and boxes of produce to needy people in our community.  

Things are finally slowing down and I think I am catching my breath.

While I had the desire to write over the past three months, I felt God telling me it was OK to take a break….to relax… learn from Him….to soak it in from Him without feeling a need to give it back out right away….to sit at His feet and learn.  It has been a great time of refreshing my spirit.  Now I feel like the Lord wants me to write again.  So….  get ready…. I’m back.

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