Tuesday, April 7, 2009


Do you know what it is like following after an older sibling? I do. My older brother was quiet, athletic, smart, and completely annoying (to me). As I went through school, teachers knew I was his sister. Sometimes I felt like I didn’t have an identity of my own – just his sister. I worked hard and did well in athletics and academics. I wanted to do better than he did – after all, I had expectations to live up to.

What do you think it would have been like to be the (half) brother of Jesus. Mark 6:3 tells us that Jesus had siblings.

How would you like to be the brother of someone who was perfect? Try following him through school! Whenever you would get into an argument or disagreement – guess who was wrong. You were!

Then, he goes on and becomes a popular speaker and what does he say – he says he is God. How embarrassed would you be? Would you get it? Would you understand? After all, you’ve been living with him and seen his lifestyle. Could you begin to explain his behavior to your friends?

Think about how you would feel if your brother was crucified for his faith. Then, if that weren’t enough – rumors started that he had risen from the dead. Would you believe? Knowing him and watching him grow up – you wouldn’t have thought that he was God. After all, he was a living, breathing, growing human – just like you. Yet surely, you would have seen something different in his life.

Like Jesus’ brothers, most of us know far more than we are willing to act on. Think about the life of Jesus. Think about the truth of the cross and the resurrection. Let it change your life and the way you view living. After all, if you have accepted Christ, you’re part of the family of God.

Mark 6:3 “Isn't this the carpenter? Isn't this Mary's son and the brother of James, Joseph, Judas and Simon?”

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