Monday, March 7, 2011


K.I.S.S. stands for “keep it simple stupid”.

I am some times guilty of making things too complicated.  The Christian life isn’t meant to be complicated.  We make it complicated with our systems of rules.

Every moment of every day, my life goes on.  I need to make the most of it.  Don’t spend my life waiting for the next thing to happen.  Don’t waste a single moment.  Make plans and goals but live in the present.  However, my plans and goals are important as they help give direction to my life.

Seek God every moment of every day.  Make the most of the opportunities I have ,  Find ways to love and serve others.  Be thankful as I live my life.  Delight myself in your journey.

Simplifying your life is not about how much money your do or don’t have.  It’s not about the stuff you have or don’t have.  It has nothing to do with material things.  It really has to do with learning to have my needs met in Christ.

It’s hard to keep my life simple because I am constantly hit with the idea that I need more, more, more stuff.  Do I have the best iPod, iPad, iPhone, XBox, Wii, Kindle, Nook, etc…  Americans are the ultimate consumers.  We buy and buy and buy, thinking that these purchases will make us happy.

When I feel like my life is out of control, I need to look at the details of my life and find a way to simplify. 

  • I need to live humbly before God.
  • I need to trust God to meet my needs.
  • I need to ask God to help me identify my real needs.
  • I need to look for beauty and value in everything around me.
  • I need to do my best at whatever I do.
  • I need to accept where I am in my life and try to see God’s plan.
  • I need to love my family all the time.
  • I need to give away anything that is in my life that is keeping my attention away from God.
  • I need to focus on things that help me in my walk with Christ.
  • I need to remember that I am on a journey that ends in heaven.  I am not long for this world.

Does that help you to think about how to simplify? 


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