Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Adam and Eve are Important


Why are Adam and Eve so important?  After all, they are just in the Old Testament.  Do they really matter?   Do I really need to believe in that story in Genesis?

There are two big reasons that stand out to me in why it is important to believe the creation story.

The first is, if you don’t believe the truths in Genesis then that leaves the door open for you to pick and choose what else you want to believe.  You’ve got to take all the Bible or none of it.  It is either the inspired Word of God or it isn’t.  You can’t be a Christian and decide what parts you want to believe.  If you don’t believe the accounts in Genesis then where does truth begin and who gets to decide that?

The second big reason you need to believe the creation story has to do with salvation.  If Adam wasn’t a real, historical person who sinned, then we are not innately sinners in need of a savior.  It was through the sin of Adam that sin entered the human race. 

Jesus had to come and die for us because all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God.  If it weren’t for the sin of Adam, then it would be possible to get to heaven without Christ, and therefore God didn’t need to sacrifice his only son.

“For as in Adam all die, even so in Christ all shall be made alive. “ 1 Corinthians15:22

If Adam is not a real, historical person who sinned, then we are not sinners, and we don’t need Jesus Christ to be a real, historical person who died on the cross to save us from our sins.

Think about it and then tell me if you think it is important to believe the facts in Genesis.


Want more information about this topic?  I suggest going to http://www.answersingenesis.org/

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