Thursday, May 8, 2008


Today is my birthday. It really wasn't any different than any other day. I had to go to work early so my daughter could go to her chorus practice and I had to stay late so she could work with the stage crew to prepare for tomorrow night's Variety Show. I worked hard all day and I'm exhausted. I'm ready to go home and "crash". I was able to put the Braves game on the radio in the office this afternoon after school and they won. That was the bright point of my entire day.

I am happy to have another birthday because the only other option is death. You either age or you die; that would be the only choices.

I'm not feeling or thinking too deeply today. Sometimes I just get tired. I'm getting ready to start a new term at Liberty. My class starts on Monday. I'm taking "Leadership Principles and Ethics". I'm looking forward to another class but it is a lot of work.

I'm sure I will write a lot about what I am learning about Christian Leadership. The main thing I can think of today is that your walk better match your talk. No one will care about what you say if what you do doesn't match up. I don't know where I first heard this quote but "More is caught, than taught." Start with making your walk with Christ strong. Let others see what you believe in your actions. The idea from James that faith without works is dead.

I know this was kind of rambling today. I'll try to put something a little more coherent together for the next post. For today, I'm going to go celebrate my birthday!

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