Sunday, January 4, 2009


I will be glad to get back to school and back to my normal routine. The only thing that I don’t like is the 5:15 alarm clock - that will take some getting used to again. My natural tendency is to stay up late and then sleep in. I get some of my best work done late at night. However, everything is better when I get back to my routine. I eat better. I read more. I’ll get back on track posting on this blog again.

When it comes to my spiritual life, sometimes routine is not the best thing. Huh – did I really say routines can be bad. Yes, I want to have a devotional time each day but I don’t want to do the same thing, the same way, every day. Sometimes the habits of our devotional life can actually get in the way of our growing closer to God. Sometimes the routine can make it grow stale or boring.

There is nothing boring about worshipping the God who created the earth and all its beauty. There is no lack of excitement in worshipping a Savior who died on the cross for my sins. So how do we avoid dry devotional times? By breaking your routine of what you usually do. Try adding some variety to your time with God.

Jesus found a quiet place away from the business of people and the ministry. We need to do the same. Try changing the routine. Try a different place, method, book of the bible, or topic. Whatever you do, just do it. Time spent with the Lord is never wasted time.

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