Sunday, September 27, 2009

Pray for Your Pastor

Ken Sande, of Peacemaker Ministries, in an article entitled, "Strike the Shepherd", reports that every month, 1,500 pastors in the USA leave their assignments because of conflict, burnout or moral failure. Sande states that one study showed that the average seminary graduate spends only 14 years pastoring before changing careers.

Pastors need people who will pray for them. They need consistent and specific prayer. Think about Moses in the Old Testament. Do you remember what happened when his hands and arms were tired? Aaron interceded by holding up his hands until the battle was won. (Exodus 17:8 – 13) We need to hold up the hands of our pastors through prayer. As we uphold our pastors we will see God win the battles in our churches.

Jesus asked three of his disciples to go with him into one of his darkest hours. His assignment was for them to pray for Him. If Jesus needed men to pray for Him, how much more does your pastor need and want you to pray for him.

Galatians 6:2 tells us we need to carry each other’s burdens. We need to pray for our pastor and help him bear the burden of the ministry. Pray for his personal needs. Pray for his ministry needs. Pray for his vision for the church. Pray that he will seek God’s will and direction. Pray that he will walk humbly with God. (Micah 6:8) Pray that he would have joy in the ministry. Pray that he would give thanks in all things (1 Thes. 5:18)

Pray that he would stand firm in the faith. (1 Corinthians 16:13) Pray that he would influence every person he meets for good and that he would be a shining witness in his personal life. Pray for him to lead a life of integrity and honor. Pray that his character would be above reproach.

Pray for his family. There is a lot of pressure being a full-time pastor. Pray that he would be a godly leader of his home and that he would be able to give his family the love and attention that they need. Pray for God’s protection for him and his family.

Pray that he would preach the Word. Pray for his study time and prayer time. Pray that God’s word would be alive for him. Pray that his words would draw others to Christ.

Your pastor needs your love and support. Pray that he would remain firm in his faith and strong in his ministry.


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