Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Resting and Reflecting

I was struggling with thinking through some topics to write about and so I took a break for a few days.  Not a break from Scripture or thinking but just a break from writing.

I am back in two shoes – that’s good news.  However, my foot still hurts each evening and morning.  In case you haven’t been reading my blog, I’ve struggled with plantar fasciitis.  I’ve gone through splits, shots, exercises, walking boot, and a cast with a wheel chair.  It is good to walk and it teaches you to count your blessings for some of the small things in your life that you take for granted each day.

Lots of good things here.  The weather is beautiful.  Baseball season has started and the Braves won their opener.  My daughter’s soccer season is almost over. 

Take some time to focus on the small details in your life.  There are so many things to be thankful for.  Rest, reflect, give thanks.  That’s always good advice. 

God is good all the time.

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