Sunday, September 14, 2008


I was thinking about how blessed I am to be surrounded by Christian friends. I work in a Christian environment. I have many friends at work. I also have some other great friends. It is great to have somone with whom you can be real. You don't have to pretend everything is wonderful, when it isn't. A friend encourages, shares, and speaks the truth in love.

The friendship between David and Jonathan is known for devotion, trust, and love. Jesus and his disciples were friends. He encouraged them but he also confronted them when they needed it.

For a friendship to be "godly", it has to be centered on God and his truth. Keeping Christ at the center will enable us to endure for a lifetime.

Encourage your friends in godly ways. If a friend is struggling, stand with him/her. If a friend is doing well, celebrate with him/her.

During difficult times, remind each other of God's faithfulness and love.

Never forget to thank God for the wonderful friends in your life. They are a blessing.

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