Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Seek Him

Matthew 6: 33 "But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well."

To seek means to go in search of, to look for, to try to discover, to ask for, request, to try to acquire or to gain, or go to or towards.

I am to seek the Lord. I am to go in search of Him. I am to try to discover what life is like with Him. I am to try to find out what He wants me to do. I am to continue to seek Him. I seek him in order to have a relationship with him. I am to seek Him first – above all else. He should be my first priority.

I am not to be a bystander in my relationship with Christ. God tells me to do stuff and he expects me to do it. He calls me to action. He demands responsibility. I am to seek Him. God is not obligated to do anything as a result, but in his mercy, he can be counted on to respond in love towards me. If I pray, he will hear me. If I repent, he will forgive me. If I am humble, God will give me grace. If I ask Christ into my heart, he will come in and will save me. He is full of mercy, goodness, and grace but expects me to turn to Him in obedience in order to receive it.

Think about the idea that the God of the universe, the God who created everything, the God who is everywhere all the time, the God who knows all things equally well, the God who knows every detail of my life, he knows my every dream --- that God hears me when I pray and responds when I seek Him.

That idea amazes me. Think about it and see if it amazes you, too. Then go out and seek him …

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