Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Don't quit

This might not be the best writing. I’m still trying to piece together my thoughts on this subject.

I was thinking today about how lucky I am to be a part of a Christian ministry. I’ve been teaching in Christian schools since 1987. I really feel like it is my calling. I believe in Christian education. I have seen kids' lives changed. I’ve seen kids I’ve taught go into the ministry. I’ve seen kids I’ve taught go to the mission field. I’ve seen kids I’ve taught go on to successful businesses and marriages and then send their kids to Christian school. I’ve even seen one of my former students grow up to serve on the school board of a Christian school I taught at. But, I’ve had moments, like everyone else in ministry, where I’ve just felt like chucking it all. I wondered - was it really worth it?

As I was reading through 2 Corinthians chapters 2 and 3, I was reminded of some things. Ch 2:14-17 talk about the power of the ministry. Paul contrasts the beginning of the chapter with the end when he says “But thanks be to God …” When we are living for Christ, we are a sweet aroma. This aroma is sometimes differently received. To the saved, we are an encouragement. To the unsaved, we are the smell of the death they have chosen.

It is important that we live for Christ. It is important that people see this in our lives. If we are saved and don’t live like it, we are making light of everything Christ has done for us. If we try to make people happy instead of challenged or we hold back truth, then we are cheapening the ministry and everything that Christ died for.

Then in Chapter 3:1– 3, Paul talked about the people of ministry. He talked about the people he had led to Christ as being his recommendation to others. They validated his ministry. He was saying take a look at their changed lives and you can see the power of God. So the natural question is – where are my recommendations? Are there people I have been working with whose lives are changed because of my ministry? My influence on them might not have been leading them to Christ but it might have been encouraging them in their faith, encouraging them to make a right decision, encouraging them to be truthful, encouraging them to treat others correctly, encouraging them towards a deeper commitment, etc...

Paul continues in Chapter 3: 4–6 talking about who can meet the demands of the ministry? Only as we trust Christ to work in and through us, can we meet the expectations and demands that are placed on us. Our competence comes from God. What’s the need of the hour…….people dedicated to Christ who really believe that God can and will do what he promises. Where are we going to get these people? Our best hope is the next generation of young people.

Chapter 4 starts out with the idea that it is only through God’s mercy that we have a ministry. When God calls you to a ministry, he supplies you with the strength you need to carry it out. So, if I ever feel like quitting, I need to remember that I have given my life for the most meaningful mission on earth. With God’s help and strength, I can carry on and continue to impact the next generation for the cause of Christ.

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