Wednesday, July 21, 2010

I’m back and I have questions ….

I wasn’t planning to take a break for that long but I guess it was good.  I had a great summer.

Here’s some questions I have been thinking about:

1. Is my life too safe and too easy?

It is in the hard times that I have seen God work.

2. Is there a difference between knowing God and being known by God?

Would God say I know Carol Horner?  What would he say about me? Am I confident that God would say, “She’s my daughter and I love her.”  Is my relationship with God that intimate or is it just on the surface.

3. Do I believe that I live not for my own pleasure but to help people know Jesus?  Do I live like this?

Many people like to “show off” what God is doing in their lives because it makes them look good.  It is self-glorification and pride.   Matthew 5:16 says to let your light shine before others so they will see your good works and give the glory to God.

4. Am I truly seeking Christ with my whole heart and desiring to grow in obedience to Him?

How would you answer these questions?


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