Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Want more of the fruits ….

Do you ever read about the fruits of the Spirit in Galatians 5 and think something like – yeah right – who could be like that?

“But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control.”  Gal 5:22

Do you exhibit these in your life?  Do you have more self-control than the non-Christians you know?  Are you more faithful than the Mormons you know?  (They are always going door-to-door in our neighborhood.) 

Do you know what it is like to be filled with joy?  Do you experience peace in every day life?  Do you respond with kindness to others, no matter how they treat you?

I got mad in rush hour traffic this afternoon because as we waited to turn left at a light, dozens of cars were going past us and then cutting in.  It probably cost us an extra 10 minutes on our commute.  I was really angry – yet did it really matter?  So I was 10 minutes later getting home – big deal.

Does it bother you that God lives in you (if you are a Christian) and yet your life is not much different than the world around you? 

How can I make it different?  I can’t make myself love more.  I can’t make myself more patient.  I can’t do it myself. 

That’s why they are called fruits of the Spirit.  They are the result of a life that is completely turned over to Christ.  Spend time in prayer and talk to the Father about it.  As you develop that relationship and focus on that, the fruits will come.  Spend time with the one you want to model your life after.  The more time you spend with Him, the more like Him you will become.

Want more of the fruits ….. spend time with the fruit giver.


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