Tuesday, January 8, 2013

How not to read your Bible in 2013

Have you ever made a New Years resolution to read the Bible more.  Most Christians probably have and have probably failed.

You mean well.  You are motivated.  It is January and that means a fresh start.  But how are you going to make this year any different than years past.

What’s going to keep you going? 

Here are some things to consider:.

Don’t set the goal too high.

If you set your goal for 6 chapters a day, odds are you will fail.  And when you fail, it won’t be that you only read three chapters.  More likely it will be that you didn’t read any. Setting a high goal often discourages you from doing anything.  You can’t complete the goal today, so why do any …

It would be better to read one chapter a day, every day, than to read six chapters when you have time.  Because that when you have time, never seems to happen.

Also, in small chunks, it is easier to meditate on what God is teaching you.  When I read large portions at a time, I can’t remember what I read.  Also, I tend to read with my eyes and not my brain after about the 2nd chapter.  It just doesn’t sink in.  (Perhaps I am just easily distracted.)  I have good intentions but a short attention span.  Read, absorb, think, apply. 

Don’t be a “loner”

Find someone who you can be accountable to and set goals. The Christian life was never meant to be lived in isolation.  Fellowship and encouragement is important.

Make a plan together.  You could use a devotional book.  You could use a Bible reading plan.  There are some available for free at http://www.crosswalk.com/devotionals/#Bible%20Reading%20Plans

Don’t trust your memory.

This becomes truer the older I get.  Take notes of what God is teaching you.  You can do that in a notebook or on a computer or iPad.  Whatever works for you. 

Keep a record of your prayer requests for the year. It is amazing to look back and see how God’s answers! 

Don’t just do it whenever you find the time.

Every day things come up that I wasn’t planning on and they always seem really important.

Schedule a time each day to spend with the Lord.  There’s no “magical” time.  Some people do better in the mornings while others do better at night.  Years ago, I found that my lunch break at work was the perfect time.  It was quiet.  I spent it alone in my classroom.  The main point is to guard that time.  You have an appointment.  One with the King of Kings.  Don’t let anyone else bump Him out of your schedule.

Control your schedule or it will control you.  (I speak from experience.)

Don’t just read the New Testament.

The entire Bible is the inspired Word of God.  Yes …. even the book of Numbers.

Don’t neglect the Old Testament.  The Old Testament foretells the coming of Christ.  The plan of salvation is written about starting in Genesis. 

It takes both the Old and New Testament working together to give us the whole picture of who God is and who we are.  The Old Testament gives us the background needed to understand the New Testament.  The New Testament is the fulfillment of God’s plans, purposes, and promises which he gave in the Old Testament. 

Don’t just drudge your way through, read expectantly

2 Timothy 3:16 – 17  “All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness, so that the servant of God[a] may be thoroughly equipped for every good work.”

Expect to grow stronger; be encouraged and more fruitful as a result of daily time in God’s word.  Expect God to speak to you through His Word.  Expect HIs Word to change your life.

Don’t make it legalistic.

God’s love for you is not dependent on your quiet time.  He doesn’t love me any more on the days I spend time with Him than He does on the days I don’t.  I am saved by grace through faith in Christ.  My position as a child of God is dependent on My trusting Him as my Savior.  I can’t do anything to earn any more love or righteousness.

As a child of God, you should desire to hear His Word and spend time with Him.  Sheep like spending time with the Shepherd.  If you don’t like spending time with God, then perhaps you need to examine your relationship with Him.

So as 2013 gets going, commit yourself anew to becoming a student of the Word.  Open, read, meditate, learn, obey, walk closer with God.  Be transformed this new year and start it with the renewing of your mind.

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