Friday, January 4, 2013

My life is still too loud!

I remember writing about this topic over 2 years ago and yet it still plagues me. 

Multitasking is my norm.  Having an an uninterrupted conversation with anyone is difficult. Phone calls, text messages, and to-do lists are constantly taking first place in my life. It is rare to be able to look someone in the eye without interruption or distraction.  Recently I found myself, talking on my phone, emailing on my laptop, and trying to hold a conversation with my daughter all at the same time.  She deserves better than that.  She deserves my attention.  She needs her Mom to really listen.  In my quest to accomplish a lot, I lost focus on what was important.

This same kind of problem can affect my spiritual life.  I sometimes find it hard to simply be with God. I have a hard time focusing only on Him. I struggle putting everything else out of my mind.  I try not to multitask but to give Him my undivided attention.

It is true that Jesus didn’t have to deal with emails or texts.  However, he had multitudes of people constantly pursuing him.  He knew how to make his relationship with the Father a priority.  He looked for and found ways to escape.  He took time to focus and be quiet.  (Mark 1:35).  He was willing to do whatever it took to remove himself from the demands of the people and find a spot to pray.  Our lack of intimacy is often due to our refusal to unplug from technology.  We must make a conscious effort to shut off communication from others in order to focus on our relationship with God. 

In the crazy world that we live in, it takes tremendous effort to find a quiet place.  It also takes time.  It takes a commitment to purposefully block out time in your schedule and dedicate it to your relationship with God.  You need time to get quiet before the Lord.  It means turning off the music, TV, radio, iPod, iPad, and cell phone.  It may mean going to a different location so that you can focus. 

It will look different for different people.  Being still before the Lord is the goal.  It is a spiritual discipline to be still, to listen, and to cut out the distractions of the world.  As we practice this stillness, we can experience deep intimacy with the Father.

The Spirit of God indwells you the moment you accept Christ as your Savior.  Some days I wake up and feel tired or stressed or impatient.  I could let those feelings define my day.  However, the reality is that I am indwelt with the Holy Spirit.  And because of this reality, stress, tiredness, and impatience do not have to rule my day.

God said to Israel, “You will seek me and find me, when you seek me with all your heart.  I will be found by you, declares the Lord.” (Jeremiah 29:13-14)

When is the last time you sought after God with all your heart?

God still desires to be sought and found by His people.  Pray and ask God to help you set everything else aside so that you can seek him with your whole heart.

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