Thursday, March 20, 2008

Meaning of Easter

The meaning of Easter has nothing to do with chocolate or rabbits. To understand the meaning of Easter, start with a look at the Old Testament. The priests would sacrifice a bull, goat, or spotless lamb (without any blemishes) as a sin offering for the people. The blood would make atonement for (forgive) their sins. When Jesus came, he represented the sacrificial lamb. When he died on the cross, it was to take away the sins of the world. He was the final sacrifice; no more were necessary. Jesus paid the penalty for our sin - once and for all; for all the sins of the world. It’s his blood that cleanses us. The sin of the world was on Him when he died, but he was without sin – he was blameless. Jesus is referred to as the Lamb of God and that comes from this idea. He was bodily resurrected on the third day. He appeared to many people for a period of forty days, then He ascended to Heaven.

The true meaning of Easter is the backbone of the Christian faith. If there was no resurrection, then our hope of eternal life in heaven is in vain.

Be sure to take the time to read the Easter story this year. You can find it in Matthew 27 and 28. If you don’t have a Bible, you can read it online at

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