Sunday, November 29, 2009


I haven’t written in almost a week.  It’s been crazy busy here,  My parents arrived last Tuesday.  We have enjoyed a nice visit.  They leave tomorrow.  Mom and I cooked Thanksgiving dinner for 16.  We enjoyed having family here for dinner.  We did some shopping.  We wrapped the Christmas presents.  We decorated the house for Christmas yesterday. 

While the last week was lots of fun, I wouldn’t want my life to be like that all the time.  I need some time for myself.  I need some time to think, read, and write.  Busyness is something the Christian has to be careful of. 

I have to make rest a priority in my life – true Christian rest.  I have to manage my busyness.  i have to not let the world’s hustle and bustle get to me – something that happens during the Christmas season. 

I need to make a deliberate choice to prioritize relationships and life over busyness.  I need to pay attention to my time management.  I need to watch my schedule.  I need to feel OK about telling people “no”.

Think about the rest described in  Psalm 23.  There's no busyness described there. 

As you proceed into the Christmas season, take time to remember what the season is about.  Don’t get caught up in the busyness of everything and miss the meaning.


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